CHIA is a source of protein and it has a high content of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and variety of minerals and vitamins.
Can be eaten directly as an addition to salads, oatmeal, granola, smoothies, cooked grits, potatoes and as a sprinkle for vegetables.
The ground seeds can be combined with the flour for baking cakes and bread, and to the preparation of soups and pancakes. Daily consumption of seeds should not exceed 15g (approx. 3 teaspoons).
MINERALS & VITAMINS (per 100g of the product):
CALCIUM 543mg (68% daily value)
IRON 7,7mg (55% daily value)
MAGNESIUM 337mg (90% daily value)
ZINC 6,1mg (61% daily value)
FOLIC ACID 49,0ug (24% daily value)